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Air purifiers for Buses: A necessity

For homes and buildings with high levels of air pollution, such as near highways, factories, and power plants, air purification systems provide a way to keep the air in the room clean and allow you to breathe safely. In addition, air filters protect building users from inhalation of indoor air pollutants such as raw materials, chemicals, heating, lighting, cooking, and other processes.

But why do buses need these systems? Is it because we live in such an air pollution hazard? These and other questions are addressed in this article.

Importance of clean air in school buses

The school system is looking for ways to optimally allocate the large ESSER funds available under the US relief program. They are provided to improve the health of the occupants, prepare for the possibility of closure of the facility and avoid closure.

Students spend a significant amount of time on the school bus each day, which is an integral part of school equipment. In addition to being the safest means of transportation to and from school, the school bus is the only means of transportation for some students. So, bus air filter makes sense now?

Government Actions and Plans

Governments and private companies have varied impacts as countries around the world are addressing the issue of air pollution, and the World Health Organization (WHO) claims to be responsible for the premature deaths of 4.2 million people worldwide. We are looking at the solution. For example, an increasing number of eco-friendly buses are equipped with commercial air filtration systems, and some have a particle removal efficiency of 99.5%.

One of those types of the bus can be found in the United Kingdom. In the UK, Go-Ahead Group, one of the UK's largest bus and rail companies, has launched Bluestar Bus, an air filter bus that purifies air daily. The Blue Star Bus can remove fine dust from the atmosphere with an efficiency of up to 99.5%, effectively sucking up dirty air and re-releasing it as clean and purified air to breathe. Southampton is honored to be a test site for the Bluestar Pilot Program, which will run for three months. Pollution levels in the city have reached unhealthy levels, making it a good place for blue star buses. During the test phase, the bus is carefully monitored to measure the amount of particulate matter (PM) that can be absorbed from the atmosphere.

 Air quality outside and inside buses

Contamination by buses, cars, trucks, ships, and construction machinery is one of the leading causes of poor outdoor and indoor air quality. The burning process, or the burning of fossil fuels, releases all types of pollutants that form smog and acid rain into the atmosphere. Even if the bus has an air conditioning system, the outside air will not be sucked from the bus.

Some buses have a small HVAC system that draws in a small amount of outside air, but normally the outside air entering the school bus is only through open windows or vents. The bus driver has no control over the students' windows, so that students can close the windows based on external conditions such as rain, temperature, noise, or other reasons. Keeping bus windows, no more than 25 feet from the road or ASHRAE's mandatory parking / idle area will reduce the quality of the outside air introduced into the bus.

 The United States has passed the Clean Air Act for these hazardous reasons. This allows the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set emission standards for controlling air pollution from cars, heavy trucks, construction and construction farms, and to define and move machines and buses. Over the last 40 years, agencies have successfully brought clean, fuel-efficient cars, trucks, SUVs, and buses to market for car companies. Today's generation of cars is more hygienic than ever, and some are even switching to electric vehicle technology.

 The importance of commercial air filters in fighting air pollution

The idea behind using a commercial air filter in a Blue Star bus is simple. By attaching the air filter to the bus itself, the filter system can capture particles and other contaminants in the air produced by the bus during the daily movement of the bus. This air purifier for buses promises good results. The air filter on the bus traps the particulate matter as it passes through the filter medium. Particulate matter is usually a fibrous material with a high-density mesh fabric. When connected to indoor heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, this filter media captures particles, gaseous pollutants, chemical gases, and odor-causing pollutants as they pass through the filter.

However, the problem with using air filters outdoors, like the GoAhead Group, is the diversity of the outdoor environment, not to mention the higher levels of air pollutants than the typical indoor spaces of homes and buildings. It's much more prominent. As some observers have pointed out, it is not yet known if this experiment will be a net positive or a promotional stunt.

Effectiveness of commercial high-efficiency air filters in detecting vehicle pollutants

Building and facility owners are encouraged to install highly efficient commercial air filters. Activated carbon filters and highly efficient particulate filters (HEPA) can provide the highest level of protection against fine dust and gaseous contaminants. These are known as HEPA filters for buses.


Hence, these are why buses are equipped with Commercial Air Filtration Systems. Though the reliability of bus air purification systems and other commercial air filtration systems is questionable, there are other options too. If the school system spends 1.2% of ESSER funds on the worst air improvement of the school facility (school bus), a system with a UV bulb and filter replacement can be installed in 12 years of operation. The device can be removed from obsolete buses and installed in new buses.


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